AI Consulting San Diego

How ChatGPT Revolutionized My Marketing Workflow

In the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape, it's essential to find tools and techniques that can streamline our efforts. While I've been in the industry for 18 years, the introduction of ChatGPT into my workflow has been nothing short of game-changing. This generative AI tool has redefined the way I approach content, messaging, and testing in my marketing initiatives. Here's a deep dive into the myriad ways I leverage ChatGPT, along with some actionable insights for fellow marketers.

Crafting Tailored Social Media Posts and Emails

One of the unique challenges I face is ensuring that content remains consistent with a company's disruptive approach. Traditional AI tools, when left to their own devices, tend to revert to conventional advice. My remedy? A specific prompt to ChatGPT: "Write me a [number]-word social media post/email in a conversational tone like [my CEO's name] using the following outline." This trick not only maintains our distinctive voice but also captures the essence of our CEO's tone, down to her emoji usage!

Generating Variations with Flair

Reinventing the wheel with the same core message can become a herculean task over time. To rejuvenate my content, I leverage ChatGPT to generate several variants of existing copy. My go-to prompt is: "Think like a digital marketer and generate four variants of this Facebook ad copy." By giving it a reference point, I ensure the output aligns with our brand's tone.

Optimizing Copy for Readability

An often overlooked yet crucial aspect of content is its readability. The ideal marketing copy is accessible and relatable. Before ChatGPT's integration, tools like Hemingway were my best friends. Now? I simply instruct ChatGPT to modify the reading level and tone, saving me around 20 to 30 minutes daily.

Storytelling with Structure

The art of storytelling is central to a brand-centric marketing approach. While crafting captivating narratives is essential, it can also be time-consuming. With structured prompts, ChatGPT assists me in generating compelling long-form content. For instance, I'll use: "Following this story structure — 1. Capture the heart, 2. Set up a tension, 3. Resolve the tension, 4. Conclude by offering value — write a 1,000-word story at a grade-five reading level in the first person using the following information."

A/B Testing with AI Insights

Every marketer knows the worth of A/B testing. But what if you're unsure about the metrics or alternatives to test? That's where ChatGPT comes in. It aids me in hypothesizing tests to optimize various facets of our marketing funnel. A recent prompt I used was to seek recommendations for A/B testing our application pages based on email click rate and form completion.

AI Consultant Perspective

The dynamism and versatility of ChatGPT have undeniably elevated my marketing game. On average, I save between six to eight hours a week — a testament to the power of generative AI. Collaborating with fellow marketers on platforms like Discord and Facebook further expands the possibilities. The bottom line? If you're looking to streamline or innovate in your marketing strategy, ChatGPT is a resource you shouldn't overlook.

Hire Local - Work With a San Diego AI Expert

As a San Diego-based AI consultant, I specialize in unleashing the power of Artificial Intelligence for businesses. I offer a range of services, from integrating AI solutions for efficiency and customer engagement to providing strategic AI-driven data analytics insights. My mission is to equip local businesses with leading-edge AI strategies, keeping them at the forefront of the digital age.